Sunday, 3 July 2011

Jana Change Kelthare...


What a long name! What a long day! Things are so different outside Carmel!
I would like to quote Jaychi(who actually would've quoted someone else :P ) "Change is the constant".
I have observes such huge differences between life in my school and in college. Of course I had expected that a lot of things would change, but at a slower rate. PUC, I thought, is a transition from school to college. But it doesn't seem to be so. It is a whole new world by itself. Not that I have not adjusted to the surroundings, but I am surprised to see this sudden change in my life. I know, that what I am finding new and shocking is a common affair even one step away from Carmel. Atleast A2. At least My Circle of Friends. But this is all new for me. FOR ME, I said.

Boys>girls>how-she-looks>what-she's-wearing>boyfriend>girlfriend>pair-up>Sheela Ki jawani>Jalebi Bai>Bhaag Bhaag>Bow Bow>Blah Blah. This is mostly what girls around me speak. The girl next to me draws even diagrams in pen, while the N's behind me takes trouble(yeah, looks like trouble for me..) in taking their pencil, scale, eraser out and neatly carve the lines and curves on the Classmate. While Physics teacher says "pencil ella marthbidi, neevella PUC ivaaga, ella pen-nalle geechbidbeku!!" while Maths teacher says, "Yif I find any book with the (co-aardinate) axes drawn in pen, I will throw that book alaang with the student!"*fingers oscillating to and fro pointing at herself and us alternatively*. When there is such drastic change from a Physics class to a Math class, I wonder how you can call Prunco itself as a transition!
         One more interesting thing is that, it is "let offs" instead of substitions and tresspassing of Games. We don't have games here though. I had never expected let offs in Kumarans! Aish and I were completely obsessed with the word in the beginning! Let off!! Wow! Let off!! We have already got 2-3 let offs and I'm so happy, hoping for more and more and more..!
         Just one month, I have sort of adapted to this Kumaran-lifestyle, and so sooner that that, to counteract the acclimatization, the time table has changed. We have Lab! I'm sure it's goin' to be Yo. Timings are quite fine. Only that I should run to lab immediately after C.Edj. Only 4 classes per day on 3 days of the week. Cool na? I am waiting or Monday, i.e tomorrow morning!
             Okay, I need to displaaees myself faar frooom the compyuutaar.(Chandan Sir :D ).


  1. Wow Vidhathri, This is a really nice one... I like your English :)
    And Yeah, Change... We can only accept it.. Kumarans or Deeksha Or Jain, Everybody has to adapt..
    And that quote was in KK's or Varun's Info page Which I'd seen AGES ago.. :)
