Saturday, 24 September 2011

Good Old Times...

Good Old Tom and Jerry is back! And so are my Good Old Memories =). I still enjoy the age old episodes with the same spirits I used to, no matter how many hundreds of times I've seen them. It also reminds me of my then-sensible thoughts and opinions. Obviously, the way of thinking changes with age(best example: I used to like Hrithik before. Now, I love him. He used to look good before. Now-he's damn freaking hawt <3 ). But it made me realise how, and to what extent my ways of thinking have changed over the years.
When this cat-rat chase was new to me, I used to pity Jerry and condemn Tom's ways. It looked like The Innocent Jerry being harassed by The Villain Tom. Now when I look at it, Tom is just doing his duty, and Jerry's trying to rescue himself. I don't sympathise either of the two creatures. The very basic idea of the natural enmity between a cat and a mouse, and balance in nature, were obviously something I couldn't think of. This natural tendency, I thought, was wickedness! Aww... How I wish I could plunge into the same innocence again! Now, I also wonder what made me pity Jerry when Tom was the one that always gets battered and misshapened. Perhaps, I then had in mind that bad things happen only to bad people(Well, now I know, bad things never happen to bad people!) Now my brain unnecessarily thinks a lot while watching it. Watch cat chasing mouse - analyse situation - put yourself in each of their situations - what would I have done - aah! It's a long long process. My writing rate cannot even be compared with the rate of flow of thoughts.

So, that makes all the difference. As children, we feel. But as grown ups, we think twice before feeling. Oh human mind!
By the way, old T&J rocks. Try watching it, from 4 PM to 5 PM, only on - Cartoon Network :)
It'll d you some good, I assure you, like it's done to me!

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