Saturday, 24 September 2011

Good Old Times...

Good Old Tom and Jerry is back! And so are my Good Old Memories =). I still enjoy the age old episodes with the same spirits I used to, no matter how many hundreds of times I've seen them. It also reminds me of my then-sensible thoughts and opinions. Obviously, the way of thinking changes with age(best example: I used to like Hrithik before. Now, I love him. He used to look good before. Now-he's damn freaking hawt <3 ). But it made me realise how, and to what extent my ways of thinking have changed over the years.
When this cat-rat chase was new to me, I used to pity Jerry and condemn Tom's ways. It looked like The Innocent Jerry being harassed by The Villain Tom. Now when I look at it, Tom is just doing his duty, and Jerry's trying to rescue himself. I don't sympathise either of the two creatures. The very basic idea of the natural enmity between a cat and a mouse, and balance in nature, were obviously something I couldn't think of. This natural tendency, I thought, was wickedness! Aww... How I wish I could plunge into the same innocence again! Now, I also wonder what made me pity Jerry when Tom was the one that always gets battered and misshapened. Perhaps, I then had in mind that bad things happen only to bad people(Well, now I know, bad things never happen to bad people!) Now my brain unnecessarily thinks a lot while watching it. Watch cat chasing mouse - analyse situation - put yourself in each of their situations - what would I have done - aah! It's a long long process. My writing rate cannot even be compared with the rate of flow of thoughts.

So, that makes all the difference. As children, we feel. But as grown ups, we think twice before feeling. Oh human mind!
By the way, old T&J rocks. Try watching it, from 4 PM to 5 PM, only on - Cartoon Network :)
It'll d you some good, I assure you, like it's done to me!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Heegoo... unntaY!

A suggestion to DTH services: Include Kannada news channels in the entertainment packages. Because that's what people watch it for. Entertainment 24xx7. Humour unlimited!
The words "breaking news" has lost all its importance it used to assume. The world should not have changed this drastically. No wonder if you find news about developments in the Parliament merely pushed to the bottom line. Why, why get surprised, when blur short clippings of ThatGuy and Family continuously sizzle on the main TV screen. Not fair!
                                  Yeah, nor fair. He's not even handsome. He is a tall dumb ass from a high family, unfortunately born to the cutest villain that ever existed in the Kannada Film Industry. His name is..never mind. It's just that all's not well with his wife(So?). He threatened to kill his own son(Okay...?). He was boozed(National loss huh?). OK he's committed a crime by harassing his wife in one of the most uncivilized manners. Throw him behind bars man! As simple as that! OK the public ought to know of such superstar deeds - publicize it and be done with it. But what the hell  are they doing? In the name of keeping the public updated, play the same 2 or 3 clippings all day? It's purely a policeman - accused - victim business. For what joy are other actors interfering? And in favour of ThatGuy?(I know, naming him won't make a huge difference.. but.. it's okay...).
                                   Coming to the most incredible part of the story. This entertainment channel said that the victim was in the ICU. Apparently, she's suffered cigarette butt burns all over, 4 stitches in the head, severe injury in the ear. Hence ICU. The very next day, she has written a 5 page long complaint on ThatGuy! She's even discharged o the same day. Now, if you go to a hospital to get treated for an ailment as puny as common cold, they will keep you in the hospital for a min. of 1 week! That's what hospitals are these days. And how come she was allowed to recover so quickly! After having suffered such pathetic injuries, she's been able to write a complaint of five pages! God! What speedy recovery!
                                   Now coming to the most hilarious part of the story: The Producers' Association has started a trend - "Ban Her". Ban actresses for 'x' years. How sick can people get? And this female, here, has been banned on charges of having caused disharmony in ThatGuy's life. Oooh, like she hypnotised him and said "Hey You, ditch you family, 'cause I wanna flirt with you!!" She, perhaps, is a shameless bingo, that she has had an affair with ThatGuy(of all other men in the world!). But what happened to his damn rotting brains? Isn't he the main cause of disharmony in his life?
                                 And now, coming to the most agonising, disgusting, insane part of the story: Lunatic "actors" have Lunatic fans. If I think of elaborating, my CSF'll boil and smoke'll emerge out of my head! Ugh!

Finally. He's jailed. He got punishment, and obviously he wasn't happy with it. He wanted sympathy. So he planned to fall ill and weak! He was hospitalised after some time, or rather, sympathised. What logic!
And now, the star's back in jail. For God's sake.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Yell Bored Musings.

It all goes like this:
Turn it on, start, accelerate and brake brake brake!!!! Slow, take it easy. Honk - Peempeeeeem! Slowly accelerate. Lose balance and nearly fall. Legs down, release accelerator, and brake!
Of course I'm way better now.

Yeah, I'm talking about my Yell Bored Musings. Oh, I mean L-board. A learner is bound to screw up, I know.
But the (little)Learned is bound to make more mistakes, did you know? From a 1 week training in vehicle riding to now riding to college occasionally, I have been learning. Learning safely. Sudden, impulsive, accelerators, horribly controlled turns, nervousness, the will-i-be-able-to-make-it feeling, has always been pestering me. But somehow I have reached the stage of overcoming them all.
                    And now? I'm beginning to decline. What would a bacteria feel if its just born offspring is mercilessly killed? Fear is eating me up all over again. Nervousness on my nerves(?!). A slight thought that I have become a safe rider, which I thought would motivate me, happened to kill my conscience. Guilt is flowing all over my mind like CSF(cerebro-spinal-fluid... Right?). Souls that Frequently Undergo Enlightenment,  should not make expensive mistakes when he/she/(in this case)me can't pay for it.
What did I even do, is your question. Right? See what I did:
 I bumped into an old parked car near my college on the way back home. Thankfully, luckily, by God's grace, Poorva Janmada Punya or whatever was bestowed upon me at tht time, that car was absolutely safe. Not even a scratch!
But that's not the end. It's just reduced number of problems by one. My(mother's)lovely Dio, poor thing, suffered all it could suffer. It suffered even on behalf of That Car. The awefully sexy vehicle now looks ugly and broken! Thanks to Yours Shamefully :-(
Of course I have excuses. I'm a learner, I'm so young, I was scared, first time blah blah. But does Dio know this? Does the repairer guy who, I know, is goin' to charge heftily, know this? Those excuses are constantly flowing in and out of my (empty) skull, but the mental picture of the damaged vehicle is etched in my whimsically good memory. And to add to my embarassement and distress, grade 3 girls on the street were laughing at me! How dare they! Chuck, I was not even in a mood to strain my eye balls to glance them, let alone staring them!
My fault guys. My fault. My right hand is still weak. And I realised how it's shivering when I started typing. Guilt is one thing I can't stand. I would die starving, but not with an unconfessed(is that a word? Darn, my English!) guilt. Hence this article.
Thank you readers. To some extent, you make me feel lighter. :) Cheers.